We Are All Enlisted

Come Follow Me 2020: Alma 36-42

Marc DeLuca Season 1 Episode 27

This episode covers two weeks of reading, and includes Alma's parting instructions to all three of his sons. Although I didn't intentionally plan to put these two weeks together into one episode, I'm glad it worked out that way, because some of the themes that came out with Helaman carried over all the way through Corianton in ways that were meaningful to me. In any case, this week we learn a little bit about how the structure of Alma 36 means that the Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) DOESN'T actually come first, it comes in the middle of the passage. But the first AND last word is still hugely important in understanding the blessing and curse that are on everyone, not just the people in the Book of Mormon. I muse about why Shiblon might not have been overlooked by his father, and then spend some time talking about Corianton, idolatry, and us, as well as how true doctrine, understood, can help us repent and change. After all, it worked for Alma and Corianton pretty well :)

Enjoy listening, and keep up the fight!

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Note on endorsement: This podcast is an independent production and does not officially represent the US Army or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a chaplain in the US Army, I am "endorsed" by (or rather, my endorsing agent is) the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All Army chaplains must possess an ongoing endorsement by a faith group recognized by the Department of Defense.